“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Circles of Power


Yeshua meets with the Children of Light from the four communities on Lake Gennesaret and first explains that no one should be their lord or master, but they should be their own master and lord. He follows this with some prophecies concerning the Children of Light in the years directly after the time of his pending departure. He says that what he has established among them is not a religion but a sacred society. He then speaks about the three Circles of Power, the Katah of three, the Shanar of six, and the Q or Q-rom of twelve and how they are to be utilized, including the circumstances surrounding them.

1 And it came to pass that on the Sabbath of that week, Yeshua called all of the Children of Light from the four communities on Lake Gennesaret to meet together near Capernaum.
2 And as he had done in the past, he stood in a boat just a few paces offshore to address the crowd, and many were the people present, for the community had been growing with new members in recent months, and there were also curious nonmembers in the crowd as there always were whenever Yeshua spoke in public. Even so, he spoke only to the Children of Light.
3 “My dear brothers and sisters of light,” he began. “The time comes soon when I will no longer be among you as we are today, and I wish to prepare you for the days to come that you may prosper in your spirits and your families and your communities.”
4 Upon hearing that he would soon be departing, many cries of disbelief went up from the crowd, and many voices were heard to say, “No, Master, do not go” and “Stay with us, dear Lord.”
5 Hearing this, Yeshua rebuked them with love, saying, “I am not your Lord, neither am I your master. I am your brother, and you are my brothers and my sisters. Call no man Lord or master, be they a noble, a great teacher, or even a king.
6 For you are your Lord and you are your master, and only if you esteem yourself not at all is there a place in your life for anyone else to be your Lord or master.
7 And if you esteem yourself not at all, then you need to get on your knees and pray mightily to our Father and Mother in Heaven from whence you have come, until you feel their love in your heart, even more than you feel the bonds of your earthly parents.
8 For you are children of spirit of our Heavenly Father and Mother. Your physical body has come from your earthly parents, and it shall someday turn to dust. But your spirit was born from our Father and Mother in Heaven, even as mine was, and it shall never taste death, but live forever.
9 Children of Light, Children of God, know who you are, and with humility and understanding, esteem yourself greater than any lord or master!
10 Verily, I say unto you: If you see me high upon a mountain, remember that I have called you my brother and I have called you my sister. If I esteem you so greatly that I would call you my brothers and sisters, can you esteem yourselves any less?
11 If you would prove to Elohim that you are Children of Light worthy of all that has been given to you, then begin by loving and honoring yourself and treating everyone with respect that reciprocate the honor. And debase yourselves to none, for you are Children of Light, children of the divine Father and the Mother, and there can be no greater glory than that.
12 The time has come that the Children of Light must begin to blossom into their true flowers, such flowers as have never been seen upon the Earth.
13 I will still remain among you for some time and shall be teaching my Apostles many more of the secrets and mysteries of the Elohim. Both while I remain and after I have departed, they shall teach to you that which I taught them, as you are worthy and prepared to receive the knowledge.
14 That the days of your greater enlightenment will more quickly be upon you, hear now some of the important foundations of the greater Celestine Light.
15 In the years to come, the Communities of Light will be no more upon Lake Gennesaret.
16 The Children of Light from these communities shall separate into smaller groups and shall travel and settle in diverse places, in foreign lands, for a time.
17 Then once again, most of you shall be reunited as one body and, from that moment, know a glory and wonder such as you never have imagined.
18 After I have departed, many religions will grow up upon the world based upon a select few of my teachings, sprinkled liberally with the teachings and desires of men. In generations to come, one of these religions shall be great upon all the world, and many will follow after it.
19 You will see its early form and its cousins in many of the lands you shall travel to, but do not associate yourself with any of them. Neither support them nor fight against them. You are to be in the world but not of it. Like all the religions that came before and all that shall come after they are of the world—creations of men, therefore, not in harmony with who you are.
20 Know that I have established a sacred society among you. Call it a religion if it brings you comfort, but it is not mere beliefs and traditions that you hold, but a way of life and a wondrous path to eternity.
21 The number three is its foundation, for this is the number of the trinity of Elohim: the Father, the Mother, and the Son.
22 Three is also the smallest number in which you may gather to amplify your gifts substantially and cast forth your power for the good of the Children of Light and the world.
23 Three doubles to six, and this is the smallest number that the Children of Light may gather together to act with authority in the name of Elohim and call upon the higher powers of the Celestine Light.
24 But when using your gifts, power is never added, but always multiplied at least. Therefore, the power of six in relation to three is not doubled, but sextupled or more.
25 Six doubles into twelve and this is an important foundation of the Family of Light. Even as there are twelve Apostles to guide you with all the light of Heaven given unto them, so should you gather into small groups beginning with three and growing to twelve that you might edify and support one another and call upon the greater Celestine powers as one multiplied as many.
26 Choose three and six and twelve who are most compatible and harmonious with your own spirit and thoughts that your power may be more magnified and your gifts more revealed.
27 Let this be your family within the Family of Light. Form a great bond between you that will allow you to act with power far beyond your numbers.
28 And call a group of three a Katah, and a group of six a Shanar, and a group of twelve a Q or Q-rom.
29 Therefore, a Shanar is composed of six individuals who are not part of a Katah or from two Katahs. A Q is formed from two Shanars or four Katahs.
30 Let each meet in times when all the aeons of the Celestine Realm flow most freely upon the Earth. Let the Katahs meet together often when the Sun is at its zenith to plan and carry out good in the world and benefit to their lives and the lives of the Family of Light.
31 And let the Shanars do likewise weekly and the Q upon the evening of the rising full moon, or the rising or setting Sun, or the Sun at its zenith, or in all cases, more often, in a time that is appropriate, if the circumstances before you call for it.
32 To bring about the greatest magnification of your gifts, a Katah should be either all male or all female, or both male and female when composed of three Children of Light that are joined together in marriage to one another.
33 A Shanar may be a mixture of both male and female, but only if it is composed of married groups of equality, either three of two or two of three. Otherwise, it also must be either male or female.
34 A Q may be either all male or all female or a combination of both. If it has both male and female members, then it must be composed only of equal married groups: either six of two, four of three, three of four, or two of six. Four of three is inherently a very powerful combination.
35 Any Child of Light of age, holding the priesthood, may belong to a Katah, Shanar, or Q. But only those living in virtue should participate in the Circles of Power, lest the power of the circle be diminished or even disrupted.
36 Verily, if a Circle of Power is to do the good and bring forth the beneficial aeons that are called upon with faith and love, it is necessary for the circle to be accurately cast, built from the foundation of virtue, and purified of evil.
37 If a member of the circle is not pure, the circle cannot be pure, nor bring forth the good desired.
38 Therefore, let those in need of greater virtue first repent before Elohim and those of the circle, before they enter into that sacred space.
40 Nor forget that greater power is also manifested even when only two are joined in harmony for common purpose or when four or five, seven, eight, nine, ten, or eleven are united. But it is the three, six, and twelve that are the most powerful alignments.
41 It is also a goodly thing from time to time to join one or more Q-roms together in a larger Circles of Power to affect a great good or conquer a great evil or to join as a congregation of several Q-roms.
42 Now it may have come to the attention of some of you men that by and large, women tend to be able to exhibit a greater range and potency of their gifts and powers of Celestine Light than men, and you may have wondered why this is so.
43 Elohim created men stronger of body and muscle than women, and it is to their physical strength that men by choice first look.
44 Women lacking the physical strength of men more readily turn to the alternatives of their divine gifts of Celestine Light and more easily understand and utilize them.
45 Also, as I have spoken of before, long, healthy hair is a great storehouse of power, and almost without exception, all of our women have long, healthy hair.
46 However, many men keep their hair shorter, and some have either no beard or a closely cropped beard. Even I do not let my beard or my hair grow endlessly. Therefore, because of this, it is a greater challenge for most men to call upon and activate the greater powers of Celestine Light.
47 Whenever a Shanar or Q consists of both men and women, let an Adept always lead. And the leader of a Shanar or Q should be known as the Xeja, for only those who connect both their heart and their divine self can truly know the powers of Celestine Light. If an Adept is not a part of the group, let a Sage lead.
48 But remembering these differences between men and women, let the leader in all things concerning the use of gifts of Celestine Light be a woman whenever there are both men and women of the same priesthood within the group.
49 Even if there is a man in the group of a higher order within that priesthood, let it still be the woman of the lower order within that priesthood, who is the leader of the Shanar or Q, if she is within one degree of the man, with the most senior man assisting her and taking responsibility for the management of all things other than the use of the gifts of power.
50 But if there is only one Adept in a Shanar or Q and it is a man or if the separation between the senior man from the senior woman is greater than one degree, then the man must be the Xeja because of his greater experience and knowledge, with the most senior female priesthood bearer of the same order standing to assist.
51 Remember these things and do them, and your Shanars and Q-roms will be guided down the paths that shall most greatly benefit the manifestation of the gifts of all the members.
52 In the Katah let none be the leader, but all be equal in authority.
53 Let what transpires within your circles be kept as sacred secrets beyond the circles, excepting among husbands and wives, among whom there should be no secrets. But beyond your sacred circles, your enemies are more numerous than you know, both in the world and beyond it, including both the intentional and the misguided.
54 Beyond the Family of Light, our ways cannot be understood, and men fear what they do not understand. Therefore, let none outside the circle see or hear what transpires within the circle. Give them no knowledge and they will have nothing to fear.
55 Therefore, let no one become a member of a Katah, Shanar, or Q that has not first taken a vow of secrecy, not only to keep the mysteries of the circle and the Children of Light from the people of the world, but even under torture to not reveal the secrets or other members of the Family of Light to those who would do us harm.
56 And let no Child of Light who has taken the vow of secrecy ever reveal their gifts or powers to the people of the world, those we call Ganish, for profit or pride or under coercion, lest they bring the Curse of the Vow upon themselves and their life becomes unbearable.
57 Please understand, my dear brothers and sisters, this is not a curse from Elohim or any of the Children of Light. Even as you are drawn to your reward in the life to come by your own resonance, so the Curse of the Vow picks away from inside of you, created by your own revulsion and guilt if you break the vow.
58 Even though you might feel you have no guilt or sorrow and care not for breaking the vow, your spirit forever remains true to the Celestine Light and will call justice upon you despite your denials.
59 Let disputes within the Katahs be settled by speaking to one another with love, respect, and understanding of different points of view.
60 Let disputes within a Shanar or Q be settled likewise and if an amicable resolution is not forthcoming, let the Xeja decide and all abide by that decision with honor and love in their heart or depart forever from that circle.
61 For there can be no divisive forces within the circle if the good you would do is to be done.
62 Let no one join to more than one Katah, Shanar, or Q at one time. If you for any reason must leave a Katah, Shanar, or Q or seek to join with another, seek first the permission of all within the circle of which you are already a part, with the Xeja being the final voice of decision.
63 Each of you will find prayers and spells and potions and all manner and means of exerting your gifts, both individually and within your circles, and some of these will be very potent.
64 Let the greatest of these within a Q be recorded for all within the circle to learn from, but encode it within a crystal after the manner of the Savasi that the eyes of the Ganish can never see it.
65 Make efforts each day to commit all things concerning gifts and the manifestations of powers and formulas and all secret things of the Children of Light to memory; that the secrets may never fall into the hands of the unbelievers.
66 And if it would seem that a written record was in danger of falling into the hands of the Ganish, let that record be first destroyed. But to prevent this as a possibility, it is always best, when something must be written, for it to be encoded within a crystal in the ways of the Savasi.
67 The time will come when some of you will be captured by the Ganish and brought before the unjust justice and commanded to reveal the secrets of the Children of Light.
68 If you are among these, answer naught, nor reveal anything of the secrets of the Children of Light, but keep your faith in Elohim.
69 Connect with your brothers and sisters with your minds as my Apostles shall teach all of you to do, and by that means, with faith in Elohim, plan and execute an escape from the hands of the Ganish. Know that in this situation, using all powers of the Celestine Light known to you are permissible to counter those that oppose you, except the taking of life, unless it is to prevent your own from being taken.
70 Always remember you are the lights of the world, but the world cannot comprehend your light. Therefore, spend your days doing good, even being in service to the world that can comprehend you not, but do so as the hidden Children of God. Let the world see your good and glorify Elohim, but let them not see in you what they cannot understand.
71 Do not boast or threaten or wish ill upon anyone. You have been given much, and where much is given, great things are expected.
72 Though you may be mighty, that should never be shown to the people of the world except to save your life or protect your family or brothers and sisters. Even then, let the manifestation of your gifts of Celestine Light not be understood by the Ganish to be connected to you if at all possible.
73 Let the world see the great things that come from your actions, but never see that the actions came from you.
74 Nor may you accept payment for the good that you do with your gifts in the world, whether as an individual or a circle or a community, it is the same.
75 You may teach the Ganish who wish to learn, some of the simple foundations of the gifts that even they possess or knowledge of healing or art, and for this, you may ask payment, as a teacher is worthy of their time and knowledge.
76 But when you do good in the world or among your brothers and sisters of light, neither seek nor accept payment. But reciprocation of energy in the form of a good deed done for you is acceptable and desirable as it allows those that have benefited from your actions to grow even more by giving thanks in reciprocation.
77 Now there is one use of your gifts which you can freely exercise, for it cannot be discovered by the Ganish, and that is to influence their minds to favor those causes which you desire. But your causes can only be righteous, and none may be harmed by the outcome.
78 Therefore, if you need a piece of land and are offering a fair price, it is permissible to say a prayer and cast a spell to motivate the land owner to sell to you that which you desire, if doing so will harm neither him nor anyone else. But that qualifier must be specifically included in the words of your spell.
79 Or if you are fishing, it is permissible to say a prayer or cast a spell that your net may be filled with fish as long as you are not calling them out of the net of your neighbor.
80 And in this manner, you may use this gift to your benefit in all things, used with honor and harm to none.
81 You sit empowered with great gifts of Celestine Light. You meet together often in Katahs and Shanars and Q-roms. Now what is it you are to do?
82 Each time you meet, consider what good you can do with your gifts of power that is within your capabilities and brings a greater light.
83 Consider these as worthy of your blessings: yourself, your circle, your families, your community, your world, and all the people and animals therein, for Elohim has given unto the Children of Light to be the good stewards over all.
84 Be ever mindful of identifying and subduing vortexes of the darkness, as this is a single action that benefits many.
85 It is also given unto you to see and feel the presence of the myriad entities of darkness that the Ganish cannot see or feel. When these are encountered, banish them to outer darkness and heal the void and the wounds from where they had been.
86 When you see great injustice in the world among the Ganish, do not turn away, for you are still a part of them even if they are not a part of you.
87 Therefore, use your gifts to subdue the evil that lurks in men and bring out the good; that they might become more harmonious and forgiving with their fellow men and treat one another and the Earth and all its inhabitants with greater respect.
88 Among almost all people, the goodness of Elohim, their creator, permeates their soul. However, because of cruel circumstances and the great challenges of mortality, their inner light may be hidden beneath a surface that seems dark and foreboding.
89 But love and light and a little help from your circle may be all they need to bring forth their greater light. See this then as another good you can do.
90 And if they cannot be helped, if their darkness has become too deep, you may use your gifts to lessen the harm they can do to others in the days that remain to them.
91 It is also given to you to understand all things regarding the healing of the body from infirmities and sicknesses small and great. Lovingly heal the people of the world through herbs and potions and techniques of renewal and life.
92 Unto those who have a great light, you may bless with a healing using your gifts of spirit to call upon the aeons of Heaven, if the situation is such that your herbs, potions, and knowledge of healthy life would not avail.
93 This is your cause upon the Earth: to harm none and do good to many.
94 Though you may be hidden from the world, through your good actions, your Celestine Light shines ever brighter upon them. And when you are in the service of this world, you are in the service of Elohim.”