“Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away until all that has been hidden is brought again into the light, for it is the epoch for the fulfillment of promise.”
Oracles of Celestine Light, Nexus 1:21

Calling of the Twelve Apostles


Yeshua calls to four men in a crowd of people that have never met him in person, to follow him. They join Miriam and his disciples and together hike into the hills to the west. Yeshua calls each of those with him to a high and holy calling as Apostles—special witnesses who will testify of his life and teachings, to act in his name, and be empowered to do all manner of miracles. Those he calls and ordains as Apostles are his wife, Miriam of Magdala, whom he proclaims “Apostle of his Apostles,” Cephas of Bethsaida, Yakov of Nazareth—brother of Yeshua—Amram of Bethsaida, Ya’akov of Bethsaida, Yohhanan of Bethsaida, Philip bar Talmai of Bethsaida, Mattayah of Tiberias—son of Cleopas—Shim’on the Zealot, Yuda son of Cleophas, Yuda Toma of Ptolemais—known as Toma—and Yudas Iscariot of Jerusalem.

1 And it came to pass that Yeshua and Miriam and the other disciples returned to the Communities of Light at Lake Gennesaret.
2 A multitude of people followed them from Judea and Idumaea, bringing with them their infirmed and diseased, calling out periodically for Yeshua to heal them.
3 As they passed through Galilee, the residents drew notice, and word that Yeshua the healer was present spread quickly insomuch that the multitude increased.
4 As they approached the first community, on the northwestern shore of the lake, they spied another large group of strangers waiting beside the road, and coming upon them, they found citizens of Ptolemais and Tyre and Sidon, who, also having heard of the miracles of Yeshua, had come to see him for themselves and to have their relatives healed.
5 As he passed through the throng along the road, many reached out to touch him, hoping to be healed, and it was with great effort that the disciples formed a protective circle around Yeshua and Miriam to prevent them from being crushed by the crowd.
6 Passing through Gennesaret and by Chorazin, Yeshua, Miriam, and the disciples continued on to Capernaum, where they had hoped to part ways, each to their own homes and families, and wait until the following day for Yeshua to speak to the crowd.
7 But the multitude was persistent in their desires for Yeshua to come among them insomuch that they would not leave and began to clamor in their voices for him to come to them.
8 Scarcely had Yeshua and Miriam come near their house, than another group of travelers came upon them from the road to the east, coming from beyond the Jordan.
9 Seeing that something must be done and could not be delayed, Yeshua had Cephas tell the multitude to let Yeshua pass to the lake and then he would speak to them.
10 Yeshua asked Cephas to have a boat ready by the shore to carry away him and Miriam if the teaming throng pressed too much upon them.
11 Thus it came to pass that Yeshua stood on the shore of the lake with the multitude before him and the lake and a waiting boat behind him, and he said unto them, “I know that you have come to be healed of your infirmities and diseases as you have heard it said that I can do.
12 But I tell you in soberness that I do nothing of my own, but only the will of they who sent me, my Celestine Father and Mother in Heaven.
13 You seek to touch me and be healed, but the power to heal does not emanate from me, but from you.
14 I am merely the water that sprouts the seed of virtue that must first be inside of you.
15 All the water in the world will not sprout a seed that is not there, for my water is holy and it only helps grow a seed which is planted in righteousness and virtue.
16 But do not despair, for I know that many of you have come from far away, and your travel need not be in vain.
17 If you came this day without a seed of righteousness and virtue inside of you, it is in your power to plant one even now.
18 If evil has dwelt in your life where righteousness and virtue should have been, purge it from you now this very moment.
19 In all humility and sincerity, confess your sins to those you have wronged and covenant to them and to God that you shall do them no more.
20 If they are not with you, then confess to someone who knows and cares for you, and if they are not here, then to the stranger beside you.
21 Repentance is a process, and this will begin to lift the weight of your yoke of darkness and help you on the path to a new life.
22 Only by this will the water I give quench your thirst and sprout your seeds and bring you that which you desire.
23 Make camp for the night, and I will come among you again tomorrow. Those who are pure in their heart will get their reward and their past of darkness will be as if it never was.”
24 The multitude was quieted by his words and many were humbled, and they threatened no more to press him into the sea in their exuberance.
25 Then he looked into the crowd and announced, “Among you are four men that have never met me, but who know me in their hearts as if they always have. You, of whom I speak, know who you are, and I say unto you: come into the lake and be baptized and then follow me.” Upon his command, four men came forth from the crowd with great suddenness as if they were being pushed by an unseen hand, and after giving their names, Cephas and three other disciples baptized them straightaway.
26 Immediately thereafter, Yeshua set forth through the crowd, which parted to let him pass, and Miriam and his disciples came with him, and they were followed by the four men from the multitude.
27 Yeshua walked in silence, holding Miriam’s hand, and they passed beyond the borders of Chorazin and into the hills to the west.
28 Arriving upon a knoll, Yeshua sat down, and Miriam was beside him on his right hand. His disciples and the four other men sat down below him in a semicircle facing him, and he said unto them, “Some of you have known me since my youth. Others have only recently heard my words. But all of you are called to a high and holy calling because of your worthiness, both in this life and the life that was before this life.
29 The time has come for you to begin to fulfill your destiny.
30 By this, I do not say that you have an irrevocable compulsion or requirement to fulfill your calling, for your choices in life are always your own.
31 Though you are loved greatly by Elohim, you are never compelled upon a path, merely foreordained and predestined as your reward for lives well kept.
32 But in the end, every day, the choice to do or do not is still yours, because foreordination is justified only upon continued worthiness and predestination only upon continued desire to remain upon the path.
33 Some of you have been my disciples and the others desire to be so. On this day, at this spot, I call all of you to accept a higher and holier calling. I ask you to be my Apostles, my special witnesses, who, along with Miriam, shall testify of my life and teachings.
34 To you, I give all authority to act in my name, and by acting in my name, you act in the name and on behalf of the Elohim.
35 To you, I empower to do all manner of miracles, even as you see me do. And there is nothing that you see me do that you cannot also do, if you remain worthy; your faith is strong enough, and you learn the secrets of Celestine Light and become true Adepts of the light.
36 Let those who are new among us learn from those who have been with me for a longer time, that all might know the truth of my life and teachings without dilution or change, such as will quickly come among the people once I have returned from whence I came.
37 Once I am no more upon the Earth, in all things when there is confusion or a dispute, it is only to Miriam that you can turn for resolution, for she knows every minute of my life and all of my heart. If she speaks of my will, it is as if I had spoken it, for in truth, if she speaks it, I have.
38 But the days will come when Miriam is also no longer among you. In those days, let your decisions be in a quorum and let there be unanimity, for if you are truly being guided by the spirit of Elohim, you will all be guided to the same conclusion and understanding.
39 Now turn to one another and let every man embrace every other man as a brother.”
40 The Apostles did as Yeshua bade, and each embraced one another. And in their embrace, there was kindled a divine feeling of brotherhood, different from anything they had ever felt, and it set chill bumps upon them all.
41 Then turning to Miriam, he asked her to kneel before him, and laying his hands upon her head, he said, “Miriam, Child of Light, Daughter of Elohim, beloved of my heart above all others, with the authority of Elohim and by the power of my word, I do ordain you to be my living testament, my Apostle to my Apostles, and the spiritual head of the Quorum of the Twelve while you remain upon the Earth.
42 You are granted all the rights, privileges, power, and authority to perform on Earth whatever you shall deem necessary in wisdom, virtue, and righteousness for the Celestine Light of Elohim.”
43 Miriam then rose, and holding her hands in a prayer position upon her chest, she bowed her head and backed away from Yeshua that another might come forward.
44 Yeshua called Cephas next. Cephas came and knelt down before him, and Yeshua laid his hands upon his head and said unto him, “Cephas, you are the rock of the Celestine Light of Elohim upon the Earth, and upon this rock shall the Children of Light always find inspiration to hold fast against the world. With the authority of Elohim and by the power of my word, I do ordain you to be my Apostle and call you to be the organizational head of the Quorum of the Twelve while you remain upon the Earth.
45 You are granted all the rights, privileges, power, and authority to perform on Earth whatever you shall deem necessary in wisdom, virtue, and righteousness for the Celestine Light of Elohim.”
46 Then Cephas rose and holding his hands in a prayer position upon his chest, he bowed his head and backed away from Yeshua that another might come forward.
47 And one by one, each of the Apostles came forward and knelt before Yeshua and were ordained to their Apostleship and given special rights and authority.
48 And these are those who were called and ordained as Apostles and special witnesses to the life and teachings of Yeshua on that day:
49 Miriam of Magdala—wife of Yeshua, Cephas of Bethsaida, Yakov of Nazareth—brother of Yeshua, Amram of Bethsaida, Ya’akov of Bethsaida, Yohhanan of Bethsaida, Philip bar Talmai of Bethsaida, Mattayah of Tiberias—son of Cleopas, Shim’on the Zealot, Yuda son of Cleophas, Yuda Toma—of Ptolemais—known as Toma, and Yudas Iscariot of Jerusalem.
50 Afterward, Yeshua spoke further, saying, “While I remain upon the Earth, follow me. Walk with me on my walks through Galilee and Judea and beyond. Let your brothers and sisters of the community care for your families that you can be with me and a living testament to my life and works.
51 I know that this is a sacrifice I ask, but I will soon be gone and your families will still be with you. Our time together is precious but short, and it is in the sacrifices we make for one another that the friendships of ages are formed.
521 “After I have returned to the Celestine Lights, go forth two by two to preach my gospel, that those who are dead in spirit might be baptized and born again into the wonder of the Celestine Light. Heal the sick who have repented and have virtue and cast out devils from those possessed, that they might make their way into the light unhindered by the encumbrances of confusion.
53 Take nothing for your journeys, except a simple wooden staff. Carry no bread or bag or money in your tunic. Wear quality but simple clothes, adorned in Celestine ways, and sandals upon your feet, for you will be walking far.
54 Go first into all the towns of Galilee, then into Judea, then into Syria, then into Greece and Rome and Egypt, and all the lands beyond.
55 You will inspire many, and they will form churches, and choose leaders and practice a semblance of my teachings that you have given them.
56 But because of the desire of men to have power over other men, the churches built by men will be ruled by the laws of men, not Elohim, and many of their doctrines will be of man, designed to suppress and control their believers rather than free and uplift them.
57 Nevertheless, do not lament this, for those who are drawn to these churches shall still find more light than they had before, if they seek it.
58 If at some point they should find the true Celestine Light of Elohim inside of them, it will call them to their greatness, and they shall find the children of the Family of Light, wherever you may be.
59 In your travels both near and far, when you discover a true Child of Light, it shall be a rare day and cause for great joy. You shall know them by the resonance of your hearts and spirits.
60 On these days, once they have been baptized and become one with you, have them come to the Communities of Light on Lake Gennesaret and their families with them.
61 As I have said, the day will come when you must abandon the communities on Gennesaret, but until that day bring the Children of Light to it.
62 When Miriam has joined me in the eternal life to come, there shall be none who shall or could take her place, for only she has known me so well. Thereafter, let a quorum seek Elohim in prayer and find unanimous agreement upon all things of common spiritual guidance.
63 When Cephas has joined me in the eternal life to come, let the most senior of you who were my original Apostles take his mantle as leader of the Children of Light, with the unanimous support of the remaining quorum, after a confirmation of prayer.
64 When one of you passes from this life, let those remaining form a quorum and, with a confirmation of prayer, unanimously choose another from among the Children of Light to replace he who has passed.
65 In your choice, consider well women who are worthy and capable, for though men are more often in situations allowing them to travel and preach, it pleases Elohim when sisters of power are not overlooked, but called upon that the Children of Light may benefit from their light.
66 And upon all that you shall call, lay your hands and confer the same powers and authority I have given to you.
67 Finally, the day shall come when the last of you, my original twelve, will no longer be upon the Earth. After that day, when there is no longer an original Apostle upon the Earth who can speak as an authoritative witness to my life and teachings, let there be no new Apostles until the restoration of all things that shall come in the Epic of Promise to generations unborn.
68 After that day, when there are no more Apostles upon the Earth, the Children of Light shall be scattered across the Earth, and let each group decide in ways that are best for them and their circumstances, how they shall be led and edify one another.
69 That all might be led by the same light, I charge each of you to write down an account of my teachings and my life such as you know and have been uplifted by. If you are not accomplished in writing, take an honest and worthy scribe to write your words.
70 Do not neglect this important charge, for it is through the chain of the written, as well as the oral words, that the principles of Celestine Light shall continue to edify the Children of Light, generations after generations, after all of us have passed into the eternal life to come.
71 In the days to come, watch me well and listen closely to my words. You shall see me do miracles, but nothing that you cannot also do. Therefore, observe how I speak and the motions I make with my hands and my eyes.
72 Faith powers everything, but if you do not understand how a miracle was done, ask me or Miriam or one of your brethren, until you are sure of the means by which it was accomplished, that you might do likewise, with faith.
73 Beyond the miracles that are seen by the people, there are many other powers, even secret powers, which I desire you to have that you might be a shield to the Children of Light, a source of testament to the faithful, and empowered to walk as a mystery among the children of men.